Life Update | Arrows & Awe

Life Update

Do people even read these? I guess I do if I’m super invested or interested in someone else’s life and content they produce.

If you follow on IG you might have heard me say a few things that are kind of leading up to some big changes in life.

First little bit was I polled you guys on IG to see if you’d be interested in knowing my process of how I planned to pay off all of my debt to then be able to quit my job. Well, there was such an awesome response to that, that I believe I will turn that into a separate blog post at a later date. Basically, Jose and I have been working like crazy – Jose 3 jobs 7 days a week… and me, as much overtime and I can possibly get.

My goal above all is to be able to quit my job to pursue Content Creation full-time. My short-term plan was to work, work, work to pay off my debt and buy a house FIRST. Because, we need to show consistent income in order to purchase a home.

However, crazier things happened which resulted in beginning the home buying process earlier. I’m not mad about it.. I’m more angry that I have to refrain from purchasing home decor until we buy a house.

Currently, we’ve been viewing houses every weekend and trying to understand all of this new information that is being thrown at us. Like, what it means to homestead, why it matters and how it hurts/helps you. The market is high right now, also. It can also be intimidating/discouraging to put offers on homes and get denied. I do not handle stress very well either, so this experience is really taking a toll on me.

I have a fear of making the wrong choice for some reason (you can call it analysis paralysis, FOMO, overthinking, etc.). I also always think that someone is trying to one up me. So, I try to be as educated as possible so I feel confident in the decision I’m making.

I am constantly telling myself everything happens for a reason – if it is meant to be, it’s will be – and to trust the timing! There is no sense in getting upset or wasting time feeling anxious over something essentially out of your control.

Except, I haven’t figured out how to not be upset about watching your savings account drain after working so hard for so long to build it up. That has been the hard part, I make myself sick worrying too much.

Send help!

The good part about all of this is, I will finally have a place to call my own and my dogs will have a yard to claim of their own. I plan to do many many home decor posts as well, so get excited with me!!

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