This post is sponsored by Evivo, but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.
It’s been a few months now that I’ve been giving Soleil Evivo baby probiotics.

Evivo has helped with many things since we started giving it to her. Things like diaper rash and balancing her gut microbiome after being pumped with antibiotics. It has even helped with her sleeping patterns, and she is a champion sleeper. Coincidence?
I’m a major fan of probiotics for myself, and I am even happier that I can give them to her. Evivo is made of a proprietary good bacteria known as activated B. infantis EVC001, which is known to help with issues that are associated with a condition called Newborn Gut Deficiency.
Newborn Gut Deficiency is a lack of good bacteria that can be the cause of many issues like colic, diaper rash, gassiness, fussiness, and even poor sleep habits. A recent study published by Scientific Reports shows 9 out of 10 babies are born with Newborn Gut Deficiency.
For me, giving Evivo to Soleil meant I was giving her what was taken away while she was in the NICU and preventing anything further from happening to her gut. After all, they say if your gut is happy, everything else is happy. Read all about that story here.
She takes Evivo like a champ, too. She can have 1 sachet a day, which I mix with her formula, and give to her in the syringe that comes with the Evivo starter kit. At this point, she knows it’s coming!
Have you guys thought about giving your baby probiotics? I would suggest at least trying it. If you’re interested you can learn more about Evivo and use my discount code (BLOG3JK62Q) for $10 off a one month starter kit or (BLOG6P87B3) to get $20 off a two month or greater starter kit to try it for yourself!
*B. infantis EVC001 out-performs other commercially-available B. infantis strains lacking important functions of the H5 cluster.

#MyEvivoStory #NGDAwareness #NewbornGutDeficiency